This short photo essay features Metal n Pizza night (aka bachin' it); the amazing and ever-inspiring band NoMeansNo at The WOW Hall; Cookie reading "The Law of Attraction" in her favorite chair; some art from Eric Sutton's garage; and Bob Mould at the Doug Fir. I'm watching "Animal Planet" after drinking coffee too late, so what else am I gonna do? This show seems to be about terrible snakebite episodes and handsome adrenaline freaks.
On the turntable: Tobin Sprout's solo album, I forget the title, but it has "gas daddy gas" on it; Dead Moon's "Crack in the System" courtesy of Dave P--"it's okay" is the best song I've heard in a long time! Loving that. Paul Westerberg's e.p. of song's from "Open Season" is super cool. The new Clean album is groovy. I found Laura Nyro's "Eli and the Thirteenth Confession" and got wigged out over that.
A fun session at Big Timbre w/ Jivan and Dan this last weekend. We are playing a gig at The Wandering Goat friday w/ Beltline and Johnny Keener. Then we're doing another session Saturday.
It's flippin' cold out, I had to put on The Russian (giant furry hat with flaps) to get the dog properly run.