This was a really fine show at Bachannal. I bought their latest album on Bandcamp this morning while immersed up to my chin in cheddar grits, at the spa.
THAT'S how easy it is to support independent music on Bandcamp.
We rented bikes yesterday and tooled around for a few hours. Blue skies, low 70's, and everything as pretty as can be, including this lady.
Night before last on the trolley we overheard a young deadhead deliver a devastating monologue on Bobby's pink stratocaster and pink-polo-with-popped-color 90's phase. I was shaking with laughter like I used to do when my sister cut one in church. As we rolled away he was straddling a sign post and mock-racking himself to makes his girlfriend laugh.
I guess I took a break on daily posting in November after some record-breaking traffic in October. In a world of pre-packaged venom injections on Twitter, my little backwater of appreciations and observations meanders along.