Sunday, August 15, 2021


We have boots on the ground in KC again after a great Southwest adventure.  We unpacked, stowed our travel bags, chased the dogs around the dining room table, combined multiple trail mixes in one jar, and generally putzed around somewhat.  

Later, I put the wheels back on two bikes while listening to the new Trouble Cuts on my trusty basement/garage CD player.  Drained rainwater out of the inflatable hot tub after a deluge while we were away.  Picked a bunch of tomatoes and half a dozen Hindenberg-sized cucumbers.  Got out a sharpie and a sheet of paper to brainstorm on the coming week, with those spacious, arid spaces still in mind. 

We've been watching Treme and I was struck by that scene where John Goodman's character lectures to sleepy undergrads on Kate Chopin's The Awakening. I've been reading it this week, in honor of Cray's fate--a gut punch.  I like the short, compact episodic chapters, and the slow-winding intensity.  Chopin caught hell for capturing someone being human.  Ain't that a shame.  Nellie Oleson's America, alive and unwell.

I found this record at Lost Padre Records in Santa Fe.  It's great.