It got hot this week in KC--SUMMER hot, high 80's, low 90's, with thunderstorms and rain, as well as blazing blue skies. I always feel much better in this weather--immediately--and any striving through exercise, meditation, nutrition, and ginko baloba brain implant pellets is just icing on the cake. In the dead of winter that stuff is just icing at the bottom of a cold bowl of oatmeal.
Anyway, The Mekons are sure sounding good to walk to--over cracked sidewalks and under crooked trees and rocking my crimson Adidas. I have played these two tunes a few times for my dj night at miniBAR, just from passing familiarity--with these two tunes going to TOP 10 on the I KNOW WHAT I LIKE mental list. This year I'm starting from the bottom of their discography, singles, up through EPs and then into all the LPs. Many treasures to be found.