Wednesday, March 31, 2021



are you qualified   to write or pick up that guitar 

are you qualified   to imitate birds

are you qualified   to try, with uneven results

are you qualified   to turn into molecules someday

are you qualified   to point at the moon like Buddha

are you qualified   to be seen as good

are you qualified   to be interesting

are you qualified   to be interested

are you qualified   to take delight in a moment

are you qualified   to put it out there

are you qualified   to break out big time

are you qualified   to be indifferent for two days

are you qualified   for self-critical cutting

are you qualified   for new underwear and socks

are you qualified   for starting shit

are you qualified   for a yellow scooter

are you qualified   for faking it like everyone else

are you qualified   for standardized testing

are you qualified   for tickling carp

are you qualified   for a leap of illogic

are you qualified   for sleeping in church

are you qualified   for night sweats

are you qualified   for structural stamp of bridges

are you qualified   for home taco production

are you qualified   for ten really deep breaths

are you qualified   for a movie alone on a sunny day

are you qualified   for adventure

are you qualified   for having been born

if the answer is yes, you may also be qualified

to love your life and live this day inside a jewel of love

a fractal of being among being among being

if the answer is no, being unqualified is good practice