Saturday, October 17, 2020


Day 57 of the postcard challenge.  Fun stuff, a good flow.  Good for the brain and spirits while we all get through a unique season of sustained stress.  I have so much more respect for the art of graphic design, since I'm mostly just popping out patterns and kooky illustrations without a lot of moving parts. 

Everyone is stretched, parents of young kids most of all.  And then there are those who lose their businesses, or get really sick, or end up with lifelong health issues, or die.  Keep laughing Mitch.


I watched the MSSV album release livestream from Big Ears Festival last night--the first online event of that kind that I've parked myself long enough to enjoy.  It was really well done and the players remoting in from different settings was trippy and resonant like an ambient avant film, almost.  


I am writing in quarantine (9 more days!), which required Squids to miss last night's Lemonade Park gig.  Ugh.  But pleased to announce our socially-distanced, limited-ticket live-album recording show at recordBAR on Friday 11/14.  Limited tickets w/ info HERE.

As always you can buy the latest vinyl LP at Bandcamp while we prep a bunch of new songs for this live date.  Doing it backwards.  Live album first. There will be no "but what does it sound like live?" questions on this one!